Oral Histories
Welcome to the Antique Dealers Project ‘Voices from the Trade’ Oral History Pages. Here you can listen to our growing list of oral history interviews with members of the antiques trade. You will soon be able to click and listen to our fascinating interviewees, which are lodged in the project archives at the University of Leeds, and which vary in length from 40 minutes to over 2 hours. The edited audio clips and files, together with short and edited full transcriptions of the interviews, will be available soon – do keep an eye on project ‘News’ and the project ‘Blog’.
Our initial Project Co-Investigator, Dr Eleanor Quince, has composed a brief overview of some of the Oral History Interviews we had conducted up to 2016. Eleanor’s essay mapped out the rationale for our Oral History interview objectives, and also provides an insight into some of the key themes that have emerged through our Oral History research - read Eleanor's 'Voices from the Trade' essay here
BADA VOICES - we are very grateful to the British Antiques Dealers' Association for their support on an extension to the Oral Histories project. The BADA facilitated the capturing 13 interviews between 2016 and 2018, focused on the membership of the BADA. The first of the BADA Voices interviews, with Peter Francis Cheek, took place in June 2016 (see below). BADA Voices interviews have the BADA logo associated with them (see below).
LAPADA VOICES - we are also very grateful to LAPADA, The Art & Antiques Dealers Association for their support on a new extension to the Oral Histories project. LAPADA have facilitated the capturing of another series of interviews, starting in 2019, focused on the membership of LAPADA. The first of these new LAPADA VOICES interviews, with Melvin and Shiela Haughey, of Haughey Antiques, Kirkby Stephen, took place in July 2019 (see below). LAPADA Voices interviews have the LAPADA logo associated with them (see below).
Latest NEWS - latest interviews LIVE on the website:
Peter Francis Cheek
David Fileman
Gary Baxter
Philip Astley-Jones
Kathleen Skin
Jerome Phillips